Jen And Friends Salon

(330) 619-8440

Jen And Friends Salon in Canfield, Ohio provides services related to the beauty industry. Clients can get professional haircuts, and color treatments, as well as manicures, pedicures, and makeup services. All of these services are provided by their skilled staff, creating a salon experience tailored to each person’s individual needs.

Ratings for Jen And Friends Salon

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    4.6 (13)


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Reviews for Jen And Friends Salon

carolyn k.
carolyn k.

Love Bonnie she's the best!

lauren m.
lauren m.

Jen has been my stylist for almost 20 years! Now, her salon is an extension of her skills, professionalism, and personality. I would never go anywhere else! All the girls in her salon are wonderful and sweet. Highly recommend!

katherine m.
katherine m.

I would have to say that this is one of the worst salons that I’ve ever been to. Sarah absolutely destroyed my hair and fried it to the point where I had hair falling out whenever I’d comb it. After two terrible hair appointments I decided to seek out a color correction specialist to try to repair the damage… a year later and my hair is still fried on the ends. To the point where I had to cut off the fried, dried, dead ends. I would not recommend going to Sarah, at all. Plus a lot of the stylists at this salon had a snobby attitude and wouldn’t even speak to me. Your business is customer service… you should at least be cordial.

Business Hours

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Location Map

Jen And Friends Salon
Starr Centre Dr
CanfieldOH 44406